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Young girl participating in movement workshop, arms in the air with a blue plastic bag

Cultivating  Community  Connections:  A Reflection  on the Planting  Roots Project

Monday 22 April 2024

In 2023, the Planting Roots project sprouted from a collaborative effort between Warwick Arts Centre (WAC), Foleshill Community Centre (FCC), and the Warwick Institute of Engagement (WIE).

Over eight months, this initiative aimed to unite people through activities centred around FCC's new Medicinal Garden. With 12 workshops led by 4 artists and involving 9 academics, the project welcomed a total of 1,177 participants, spanning all ages and backgrounds.

As we celebrate Earth Day, Becca Randle, our Audience Development Officer, takes a closer look at the growth and impact of our community project, Planting Roots ... 

Celebrating Community Through Art & Research

The Planting Roots Project bloomed with a vibrant array of creative workshops, bringing together academics, artists, and community members. From poetry and meditation to calligraphy and dance, participants of all ages and backgrounds found common ground in artistic expression. 

With support from the University of Warwick, this collaboration cultivated a unique blend of creativity and learning, and nurtured connections across various fields of study.

Memorable Moments and Lessons Learned

Throughout the project, there were standout moments that enriched the community experience. A highlight was the insightful trip to Warwick Arts Centre and Warwick University's Crop Centre, where participants delved into the research of Professor Eric Holub and the Godiva Bean.

The Harvest Festival Day buzzed with energy, offering a platform for fruitful partnerships and engaging discussions.

We were also lucky to partner with national touring South Asian Dance company, Akademi, for performances and workshops around their show Plastic Drastic Fantastic, as well as partner the dancers with Warwick’s own chemist, Professor Stefan Bon.

Empowering Communities Through Art

Artist Julia O’Connell, in collaboration with Professor Miriam Gifford, Head of Life Sciences, curated workshops exploring plants and dyeing, leaving a lasting impact on participants.

These sessions not only provided practical skills but also fostered a sense of calm and empowerment within the community.

Community Insights and Future Plans

Guided by feedback from community consultations, the project remained attuned to the needs and aspirations of its participants. Furthermore, the project's support for FCC's capacity-building efforts underscored a commitment to grassroots initiatives and sustainable growth.

Along the way, the project team gleaned valuable insights on how to work together, emphasising the importance of open communication, effective advertising, and ongoing community involvement.

 Looking ahead, the team remains dedicated to securing funding for future endeavours while prioritising creativity, community engagement, and holistic well-being.

As we reflect on the Planting Roots Project's impact, we're reminded of the transformative power of collaboration and creative expression in nurturing vibrant and resilient communities.

 The Planting Roots Project stands as a testament to the impact of community-driven initiatives in fostering connections and embracing sustainability.

This Earth Day, let us celebrate the seeds of change sown by this collaborative effort and renew our commitment to nurturing creativity, fostering connections, and supporting our communities.

 Together, we can cultivate a greener, more vibrant future for all.

Happy Earth Day!


With special thanks to:

  • Artist, Sujatha Menon
  • Artist, Julia O’Connell
  • Akademi Dance
  • Artist, Benny Semp
  • Professor Stefan Bon
  • Professor Miriam Gifford
  • Dr Dean Howes
  • Professor Eric Holub
  • Dr Rosanne Maguire
  • Dr Yinghong Shang
  • Professor Kevin Moffat
  • Professor Rebecca Earle
  • Suzanna Dickson
  • Clare Hurst
  • The Foleshill Community Centre Team
  • The Warwick Institute of Engagement Team
  • Videographer, Paul McHale

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