Rana Begum: Dappled Light (2022)
This new exhibition by Rana Begum (b. 1977) which visited us is 2022, comprised of paintings, sculptures and installations, and included several works commissioned specifically for the exhibition which responded to the architecture of the newly renovated Mead Gallery.
Exhibition dates: 12 January – 12 March 2022
Rana Begum is best known for investigating the interplay of form, light and colour, and for blurring the boundaries between sculpture, painting and architecture.
In her early works, Begum took inspiration from repeating geometric patterns found in Islamic art, the simple shapes of minimalism, and the contemplative and refined work of artists Agnes Martin, Donald Judd, Mary Martin and former tutor, Tess Jaray.
Dappled Light marked a shift in the artist’s approach to the perception and experience of light.
Through paintings, sculptures, installations, as well as a new video installation, Begum transitions from geometric planes of colour to more blended and layered approaches.
The exhibition was curated by Dr Cliff Lauson and was was generously support by the Henry Moore Foundation.